Albury Population 2025 ❤️

Albury population

Albury is a regional city of New South Wale. The city has population of over 56,000 people. The city is located 554 km from Sydney and 326 km from Melbourne. Albury is one of the top 10 most populated cities in NSW.

Based on our research, Albury population will reach 57,495 by June of 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics ABS always follow Australia financial year when publish the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.08% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Albury

Looking back last 13 years of Albury’s population growth, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 0.71% to 1.32%, adding around 351 to 667 people each year to the overall population.
More and more people seem to be happy to live or move to Albury due to the life style, employment opportunities and relatively cheaper housing than Sydney.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 49,451  n/a
2012 49,802  0.71%
2013 50,354  1.11%
2014 51,021 1.32%
2015 51,525 0.99%
2016 52,165 1.24%
2017 52,723 1.07%
2018 53,249 1.00%
2019 53,815 1.06%
2020 54,477 1.13%
2021 55,065 1.08%
2022 55,654 1.07%
2023 56,270 1.11%
2024 56,880 1.08%


Demographics of Albury

According to Australia census, 86.4% of people living in Albury speak English only. The other top languages spoken are 6.6% Language spoken at home not stated, 1.0% other, 0.6% Greek, 0.5% Arabic, 0.5% Italian, 0.4% Mandarin, 0.3% German, 0.3% Hindi.

42.6% of people are married, 37.2% have never married and 10.0% are divorced and 3.4% are separated. There are 286 widowed people living in Albury.

Population Density of Albury

The size of Albury is 64.1 km², so Albury’s population density is 822 people per km², which is one of the most populated regional cities in New South Wales.

Occupations and Industries

The main occupations of people living in Albury are 29.9% Professionals, 14.1% Clerical & administrative workers, 13.5% Managers, 11.5% Technicians & trades workers, 10.4% Community & personal service workers, 8.7% Sales workers, 7.3% Labourers, 2.8% Machinery operators & drivers, 1.7% Occupation inadequately described/ Not stated.

The main industries people from Albury work in are 16.0% Health care and social assistance, 11.4% Education and training, 9.6% Retail trade, 9.5% Manufacturing, 9.3% Accommodation and food services, 7.6% Construction, 7.5% Public administration and safety, 7.1% Professional, scientific and technical services, 3.1% Other services.


Facts About Albury

  1. Albury is a city just off the Murray River in south New South Wales. Its closest capital city is actually Canberra.
  2. The centre of Albury is at the intersection of the Riverina Highway and the Hume Highway.
  3. The median/average age of the people in Albury is 41 years of age.
  4. Albury developed as a major transport link between New South Wales and Victoria and was proclaimed a city in 1946.
  5. The city is named after a village in English.
  6. Albury has a warm, temperate climate, with cool to mild winters and very warm to hot summers.
  7. Albury postcode is 2640.
  8. Albury is in the federal electorate of Farrer.


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