Bundaberg Population 2025 ❤️

Bundaberg population

Bundaberg is a Queensland city located on 385km north of Brisbane. With a population over 101,000, the city is the one of the top 10 most populous cities in Queensland (9th). Bundaberg also ranks 24th biggest city by population in Australia. Bundaberg is the business centre for a major sugar cane growing area. It is well known for its export product, Bundaberg Rum. It is also the gateway to southern end of the Great Barrier Reef.

Based on our research, Bundaberg population will reach 103,355 by the end of June 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follow Australian financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.34% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Bundaberg

Looking back last 13 years of Bundaberg’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 0.92% to 1.96%, adding around 859 to 1,736 people each year to the overall population. The reasons contribute to the population growth is that employment rate and birth rate are very steady in Bundaberg. The growth is pretty much align with the national population growth.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 85,800 n/a
2012 86,900 1.28%
2013 88,567 1.92%
2014 90,303 1.96%
2015 91,400 1.21%
2016 92,897 1.64%
2017 93,756 0.92%
2018 95,051 1.38%
2019 96,452 1.47%
2020 97,680 1.45%
2021 98,820 1.17%
2022 99,930 1.12%
2023 100,930 1.00%
2024 101,990 1.05%


Demographics of Bundaberg

According to census, 49.2 percent of people living in Bundaberg are male, while 50.8% are female. Average age in Bundaberg is 45. The top countries of birth are: Australia 80.2%, England 3.3%, New Zealand 2.0%, Philippines 0.6%, Germany 0.4% and South Africa 0.4%. The top spoken languages at home are: English 88.6%, Mandarin 0.4%, Italian 0.4%, German 0.3%, Tagalog 0.2% and Afrikaans 0.2%.

The religious groups in Bundaberg consist of:
No Religion 25.9%, Anglican 19.0%, Catholic 18.4%, not stated 9.9% and Uniting Church 8.2%. In Bundaberg, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (68.8%).

Population Density of Bundaberg

Bundaberg population density is 230 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to census, the main occupations of people living in Bundaberg are Labourers 15.1%, Professionals 15.0%, Technicians and Trades Workers 14.1%, Managers 11.8%, and Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.8%.

The main industries people from Bundaberg work in are 5.3% worked in Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals). Other major industries of employment included Primary Education 3.4%, Supermarket and Grocery Stores 3.0%, Secondary Education 2.9% and Aged Care Residential Services 2.9%.

In terms of working hours, 11.7% worked 1 to 15 hours, 9.8% worked 16 to 24 hours and 40.2% worked 40 hours or more.

Facts About Bundaberg

  1. The name was coined by surveyor John Charlton Thompson, based on the name given by local Aboriginals to early settler Alfred Dale Edwards, Bunda or “chief”, and the German suffix berg, meaning “hill”.
  2. Bundaberg Botanic Gardens is home to the Hinkler Hall of Aviation, dedicated to solo long-distance pilot Bert Hinkler.
  3. The region covers more than 6,000 square kilometres and boasts diverse natural resources and facilities.
  4. Bundaberg has mild weather through the year. Average summer temperatures range from 20°C to 29°C. Winter days are mild and dry, averaging 22°C, with fewer than 18 wet days in the rainy season.
  5. Bundaberg produces one fifth of Queensland’s sugar crop and the city is surrounded by a green sea of rich sugar cane and many farms growing Australia’s finest small crops.
  6. Agriculture, forestry and fishing is the top industry in Bundaberg accounts for almost 10% of the region economy and 2.4% of the state economy.


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