Port Macquarie Population 2025 ❤️

Port Macquarie population

Port Macquarie is a New South Wales city located on 390 km north of Sydney. With a population over 50,000, the city is 9th most populous place in NSW. It also ranks 33th largest urban centre by population in Australia.

Based on our research, Port Macquarie population will reach 51,750 by the end of June 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follow Australian financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.59% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Port Macquarie

Looking back last 13 years of Port Macquarie’s population, overall the growth rate is very strong and consistent ranging from 1.13% to 2.20%, adding around 469 to 964 people each year to the overall population. If you compare the 2011 and 2016 census figure, the growth rate is only 8% over 5 years period, grow by 3,323 people. The reasons contribute to the strong population growth is that employment rate and birth rate are strong over the years. The growth is aligned with the national population growth.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 41,491 n/a
2012 41,960 1.13%
2013 42,490 1.26%
2014 43,065 1.35%
2015 43,850 1.82%
2016 44,814 2.20%
2017 45,620 1.80%
2018 46,447 1.81%
2019 47,202  1.63%
2020 48,186  1.68%
2021 48,803  1.28%
2022 49,514  1.46%
2023 50,230  1.45%
2024 50,940  1.41%

Demographics of Port Macquarie

According to census, 47.3 percent of people living in Port Macquarie are male, while 52.7% are female. Average age in Port Macquarie is 47. The top countries of birth are: Australia 80.2%, England 4.6%, New Zealand 1.5%, Scotland 0.6%, Germany 0.5% and South Africa 0.4%. The top spoken languages at home are: English 90.2%, Mandarin 0.3%, Spanish 0.2%, French 0.2%, German 0.2% and Italian 0.2%.

The religious groups in Port Macquarie consist of:
No Religion, so described 26.0%, Catholic 24.5%, Anglican 23.0%, Not stated 8.4% and Uniting Church 4.2%. In Port Macquarie, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (69.2%).

Population Density of Port Macquarie

Port Macquarie population density is 285 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to census, the main occupations of people living in Port Macquarie Professionals 21.9%, Technicians and Trades Workers 13.9%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 13.8%, Community and Personal Service Workers 13.1%, and Sales Workers 11.4%.

The main industries people from Port Macquarie work in are 5.2% worked in Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals). Other major industries of employment included Aged Care Residential Services 3.6%, Cafes and Restaurants 2.9%, Secondary Education 2.9% and Electricity Distribution 2.7%.

In terms of working hours, 13.5% worked 1 to 15 hours, 10.3% worked 16 to 24 hours and 37.6% worked 40 hours or more.

Facts About Port Macquarie

  1. The city is named after the Governor of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie.
  2. Port Macquarie is a retirement destination, known for its extensive beaches and waterways.
  3. Port Macquarie is the most significant town between Newcastle and the Queensland border.
  4. Port Macquarie is the commercial centre of the Northern Rivers region of NSW.
  5. The median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and over in Port Macquarie was $570.
  6. Famous people from Port Macquarie are: Nick Cummins (rugby union player), James Magnussen(Olympic swimming medallist) and Aleyce Simmonds(country music singer-songwriter).
  7. Port Macquarie is 510 km from Brisbane.
  8. Port Macquarie is home to the Billabong Zoo that is known for koala breeding center.


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