Alice Springs Population 2025 ❤️

Alice Springs population

Alice Springs is a city of Northern Territory. It is the second largest town in NT after Darwin with an estimated population of over 33,000 people, which makes up 8.7 percent of the territory’s population. Aboriginal Australians make up approximately 18.8% of the population of Alice Springs and 27.8% of the Northern Territory Also known as “Alice”, Alice Springs is located roughly in centre of Australia.

Based on our research, Alice Springs population will reach 34,783 by the end of June of 2025. We use end of June each year due to ABS always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 2.33% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Alice Springs

Looking back last 13 years, Alice Springs’s population grow rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 1.86% to 3.64%, adding around 532 to 958 people each year to the overall population. The growth is above the state and national average.

The reasons contribute to the population growth is healthy birth rate and longer life expectancy in Alice Springs. Also there is not a lot of population movement in this region.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 25,186 n/a
2012 25,743 2.2%
2013 26,304 2.17%
2014 27,262 3.6%
2015 27,972 2.6%
2016 28,605 2.26%
2017 29,137 1.86%
2018 29,753 2.11%
2019 30,470 2.41%
2020 31,120 2.37%
2021 31,850 2.35%
2022 32,490 2.01%
2023 33,180 2.12%
2024 33,990 2.44%


Demographics of Alice Springs

According to census, 51.7 percent of people in Alice are male and 48.3 percent are female. The top five languages (not English) spoken in Alice Springs are: Mandarin, Punjabi, Filipino, Thai and Korean. The top six countries of birth for people in Alice Springs are: Australia, New Zealand, India, Taiwan, England and Thailand.

The religious makeup of Alice Springs is 26.2% Religious affiliation not stated, 19.4% No religion, 18.2% Catholic, 7.1% Anglican, 5.1% Uniting Church, 4.3% Christian, 4.0% Lutheran, 3.7% Buddhism, 3.7% Baptist, 3.1% Other Religious Groups.

Population Density of Alice Springs

Alice Springs population density is 85 people per square kilometer, which is one of the most populated cities in Northern Territory.

Occupations and Industries 

The main occupations of people living in Alice Springs are 20.7% Professionals, 15.9% Technicians & trades workers, 13.1% Managers, 13.1% Community & personal service workers, 12.4% Sales workers, 11.7% Labourers, 8.3% Clerical & administrative workers, 4.8% Machinery operators & drivers.

The main industries people from Alice Springs work in are 25.2% Accommodation and food services, 14.7% Education and training, 13.3% Retail trade, 13.3% Health care and social assistance, 7.0% Public administration and safety, 6.3% Construction, 5.6% Professional, scientific and technical services, 4.2% Rental, hiring and real estate services, 2.1% Arts and recreation services.

Facts About Alice Springs

  1. The city’s temperatures can differ drastically, with a normal temperature in summer of 35.6 °C and a temperature in winter of 5.1 °C.
  2. Alice Springs is nearly equidistant from Adelaide and Darwin.
  3. Time Zone: Australian Central Standard Time (UTC +9:30). Please note: there is no daylight savings/summer time in the Northern Territory.
  4. Alice Springs is also the capital of the outback – the real, Australian outback.
  5. Alice Springs is the main significant town and administration community for a region that is generally the size of Texas.
  6. Americans have lived in Alice Springs continuously since the establishment of the United States Air Force Detachment 421, in 1954.
  7. The average age of the people in Alice Springs is 32 years of age.
  8. Alice Springs is the headquarters of the Flying Doctor Service and the School of the Air (radio-linked classes for children living in the ‘outback’).


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