Dubbo Population 2025 ❤️

Dubbo population

Dubbo is a New South Wales city located on 400km north-west of Sydney. With a population over 37,000, the city is 14th most populous place in NSW. It also ranks 37th largest urban centre by population in Australia.

Based on our research, Dubbo population will reach 37,745 by the end of June 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follow Australian financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.11% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Dubbo

Looking back last 13 years of Dubbo’s population, overall the growth rate is very consistent and healthy ranging from 0.81% to 1.79%, adding around 264 to 596 people each year to the overall population. If you compare the 2011 and 2016 census figure, the growth rate is 6.22% over 5 years period. The reasons contribute to the population growth is that employment rate and birth rate are very steady in Dubbo. The growth is pretty much align with the national population growth.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 32,327 n/a
2012 32,756 1.33%
2013 33,020 0.81%
2014 33,380 1.09%
2015 33,976 1.79%
2016 34,339 1.07%
2017 34,760 1.23%
2018 35,083 0.93%
2019 35,490 1.18%
2020 35,845 1.16%
2021 36,250 1.13%
2022 36,580 0.91%
2023 36,930 0.96%
2024 37,330 1.08%


Demographics of Dubbo

According to census, 47.7 percent of people living in Dubbo are male, while 52.3% are female. Average age in Dubbo is 35. The top countries of birth are: Australia 84.1%, India 1.0%, England 1.0%, New Zealand 0.8%, Nepal 0.6% and Philippines 0.5%. The top spoken languages at home are: English 87%, Nepali 0.6%, Mandarin 0.5%, Malayalam 0.3%, Tagalog 0.3% and Sinhalese 0.3%.

The religious groups in Dubbo consist of:
Catholic 30.2%, Anglican 22.7%, No Religion, so described 18.6%, Not stated 9.1% and Uniting Church 5.1%. In Dubbo, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (75.5%)


Population Density of Dubbo

Dubbo population density is 205 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to census, the main occupations of people living in Dubbo are Professionals 18.2%, Technicians and Trades Workers 14.2%, Community and Personal Service Workers 13.2%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 13.2%, and Sales Workers 11.7%.

The main industries people from Dubbo work in are 4.9% worked in Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals). Other major industries of employment included Primary Education 2.7%, Other Social Assistance Services 2.7%, Takeaway Food Services 2.5% and Meat Processing 2.4%.

In terms of working hours, 9.8% worked 1 to 15 hours, 8.2% worked 16 to 24 hours and 43.1% worked 40 hours or more.

Facts About Dubbo

  1. 16ºC is the average winter maximum temperature and 31ºC is the average summer maximum temperature
  2. “Dubbo” was taken from the aboriginal word meaning ‘red earth’ which refers to the red ochre used as body paint.
  3. In 1849 the village of Dubbo was founded. In 1872 Dubbo was offical named a town. In 1966 Dubbo was named a city
  4. It takes 5 hours to drive from Dubbo to Sydney via the Newell Highway and 10 hours to Melbourne and Brisbane.
  5. The city’s largest employer is the Fletcher International Exports, which exports lamb to the world.
  6. Dubbo features the open-range Taronga Western Plains Zoo, which is home to various species of endangered animals.
  7. In Dubbo, 16,694 people who reported being in the labour force. Of these 62.6% were employed full time, 26.7% were employed part-time and 5.9% were unemployed.
  8. Of people aged 15 years and over, 44.3% of people were in a registered marriage and 11.7% were in a de facto marriage.


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