Shepparton Population 2025 ❤️

Shepparton population

Shepparton a Victoria city located on 181 kilometres north-northeast of Melbourne. With a population of over 68,000, Shepparton is the 6th most populous place in Victoria. It also ranks the 29th largest city in Australia by population.

Based on our research, Shepparton population will reach 69,497 by the end of June of 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics always follow Australia financial year when published the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.03% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Shepparton

Looking back last twelve years of Shepparton’s population, the grow rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 0.71% to 1.44%, adding around 449 to 880 people each year to the overall population. Lot of people was moving to Shepparton due to its employment opportunities and it is not very far from Melbourne. On the other hand, consistent birth rate growth keeps the population growing.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 60,223 n/a
2012 61,020 1.32%
2013 61,900 1.44%
2014 62,700 1.29%
2015 63,200 0.80%
2016 63,649 0.71%
2017 64,446 1.25%
2018 65,078 0.98%
2019 65,803 1.11%
2020 66,493 1.05%
2021 67,043 0.83%
2022 67,690 0.97%
2023 68,270 0.86%
2024 68,790 0.76%

Demographics of Shepparton

According to Australia census, 49.7% of people living in Shepparton are male while 50.3% are female. Average resident’s age is 39. The top responses for country of birth were Australia 76%, India 1.9%, England 1.3%, Italy 1.3%, Afghanistan 1.2% and New Zealand 1.1%. The top languages spoken at home are: English 76.8%, Italian 2.1%, Arabic 1.9%, Punjabi 1.4%, Hazaraghi 0.8% and Turkish 0.8%.

The religious makeup of Shepparton is No Religion, so described 27.1%, Catholic 24.7%, Anglican 11.5%, Not stated 11.1% and Uniting Church 6.1%. In Shepparton, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (59.4%)

Population Density of Shepparton

Shepparton population density is 201 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to census, the main occupations of people living in Shepparton are Professionals 17.2%, Managers 14.4%, Labourers 13.9%, Technicians and Trades Workers 13.7%, and Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.8%.

The main industries people from Shepparton work in are 5.6% worked in Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals). Other major industries of employment included Supermarket and Grocery Stores 2.7%, Primary Education 2.6%, Aged Care Residential Services 2.5% and Secondary Education 2.3%.

In terms of working hours, 11.6% worked 1 to 15 hours, 9.5% worked 16 to 24 hours and 41.3% worked 40 hours or more.

Facts About Shepparton

  1. The name of Shepparton is derived from the surname of one of the area’s first European settlers, Sherbourne Sheppard.
  2. Shepparton’s main industries are agriculture and associated manufacturing. Australia’s largest processor of canned fruits, SPC Ardmona is based in Shepparton.
  3. The city began as a sheep station and river crossing in the mid-19th century, then undergoing a major transformation as a railway town.
  4. Shepparton has Victoria’s second largest Aboriginal community after Melbourne, making up approximately 4% of the city’s population
  5. 42.6% were couple families with children, 38.6% were couple families without children and 17.5% were one parent families.
  6. Children aged 0 – 14 years made up 19.9% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 17.5% of the population.


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