Bunbury is a Western Australia city located on the 175 km south of Perth. With a population close to 90,000, the city is the 3rd-most-populous place in Western Australia by population. This population figure includes Greater Bunbury area, which includes the adjacent urban centres of Australind, Leschenault, Eaton, Gelorup, Dalyellup and Stratham. Bunbury’s port is one of Australia’s biggest regional facilities.
Based on our research, Bunbury population will reach 94,872 by the end of June 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follow Australian financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 2.59% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.
Population Growth of Bunbury
Looking back last 13 years of Bunbury’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 1.89% to 4.44%, adding around 1,500 to 3,170 people each year to the overall population. The reasons contribute to the population growth is that mining is consistently strong over the years. Mining creates a lot of job opportunities in Bunbury. Another reason is costal city life style attracts a lot of young people and retirees. The growth is above the national population growth.
Year | Population | Growth rate |
2011 | 66,380 | n/a |
2012 | 69,000 | 3.95% |
2013 | 71,330 | 3.38% |
2014 | 74,500 | 4.44% |
2015 | 76,000 | 2.01% |
2016 | 78,000 | 2.63% |
2017 | 79,800 | 2.31% |
2018 | 81,389 | 1.99% |
2019 | 83,797 | 2.96% |
2020 | 85,620 | 2.87% |
2021 | 87,280 | 1.94% |
2022 | 88,930 | 1.89% |
2023 | 90,750 | 2.05% |
Demographics of Bunbury
According to census, 49 percent of people living in Bunbury are male, while 51% are female. Average age in Bunbury is 41. The top countries of birth are: Australia 59.6%, England 9.0%, New Zealand 3.5%, Italy 2.1% and Philippines 1.9%. The other top languages spoken are: Italian (1.0%), Afrikaans (0.8%), Tagalog (0.3%), Filipino (0.3%) and Mandarin (0.2%).
The religious groups Bunbury consist of: No Religion 33.0%, Catholic 21.4%, Anglican 17.6%, Not stated 11.0% and Christian, nfd 2.9%. In Bunbury, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (58.8%).
Population Density of Bunbury
Bunbury population density is 339 people per square kilometer.
Occupations and Industries
According to census, the main occupations of people living in Bunbury are Technicians and Trades Workers 17.8%, Professionals 16.7%, Labourers 14.3%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.5%, and Community and Personal Service Workers 10.5%.
The main industries people from Bunbury work in are 3.7% worked in Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals). Other major industries of employment included Supermarket and Grocery Stores 3.3%, Primary Education 3.0%, Secondary Education 2.5% and Takeaway Food Services 2.3%.
In terms of working hours, 12.5% worked 1 to 15 hours, 10.1% worked 16 to 24 hours and 41.3% worked 40 hours or more.
Facts About Bunbury
- The Old Bunbury railway station served as the terminal for the Australind passenger train between Perth, transporting its first passengers on 24 November 1947.
- In 2007 Bunbury was recognised as Australia’s fastest growing city for the 2005/06 period by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
- The mining and mineral processing sector remains the main economic driver for Bunbury.
- Bunbury is well serviced by road, rail and bus services and is only one and half hours drive from the state capital of Perth.
- The size of Bunbury is 222.5 km2.
- Bunbury is one of only a handful few spots on the planet where you can swim with the dolphins.
The following links provide data for this topic:The following links provide data for this topic:
- Australian Bureau of Statistics: www.abs.gov.au
- South West Development Commission: www.swdc.wa.gov.au
- Bunbury Council: www.bunbury.wa.gov.au