Mount Gambier Population 2025 ❤️

Mt Gambier population

Mount Gambier is the second biggest urban city in South Australia with a population of over 28,000. Mount Gambier is located 450 kilometers south east of Adelaide (South Australia’s state capital city), only 17 kilometers to Victoria border. The city is famously known for her volcanic and limestone features. Best known scenery is Blue Lake.

Based on our research, Mount Gambier population will reach 28,927 by the end of June of 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 0.83% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Mount Gambier

Looking back last 13 years of Mt Gambier’s population, the grow rate is very consistent ranging from 0.38% to 1.39%, adding around 101 to 358 people each year to the overall population. The growth has slowed down in last two years. But in terms of number of people change, it is not a big drop due to its small population. Overall not many people moving in or out of Mt Gambier. The population growth is mainly from organic growth.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 25,773  n/a
2012 26,131  1.39%
2013 26,398  1.02%
2014 26,677 1.06%
2015 26,892 0.81%
2016 26,993 0.38%
2017 27,210 0.80%
2018 27,417 0.76%
2019 27,660 0.89%
2020 27,839 0.76%
2021 28,040 0.72%
2022 28,230 0.68%
2023 28,440 0.74%
2024 28,690 0.88%

Demographics of Mount Gambier

According to Australia census, approximately 48.6% of the population are male, 51.6% of the population are female. 84.9% were Australian born, over 91.5% of residents were Australian citizens and 1.6% were indigenous.

The religious makeup of Mount Gambier is 60% Christian, 21.5% Catholics, 11.4% Anglicans, 8.9% the Uniting Church and 6.9% Presbyterians. 26.9% of people claim no religion. A further 12.1% of people chose either not to state their beliefs, or did not adequately define them.

Population Density of Mount Gambier

Mt Gambier’s population density is 150 people per square kilometers, which is one of most populated urban cities in South Australia.

Occupations and Industries

The main occupations of people living in Mount Gambier are 17.6% Professionals, 14.1% Technicians & trades workers, 12.6% Clerical & administrative workers, 12.4% Sales workers, 12.0% Labourers, 11.6% Managers, 11.0% Community & personal service workers, 6.6% Machinery operators & drivers, 2.1% Occupation inadequately described/ Not stated.
The most popular industries for employment were Log Sawmilling and Timber Dressing (8%), School Education (4.8%) and Retail Trade (3.8%), while the unemployment rate is approx. 7%.

Facts About Mount Gambier

  1. Mount Gambier’s urban area is located mainly along the northern slopes and plain of a maar volcano of the same name, Mount Gambier.
  2. The largest industry is the timber industry, supported by milling operations. Dairy, Beef, Lamb and Wool are important exports.
  3. Mount Gambier is 436 kms from Adelaide and 441 kms from Melbourne, and is the centre for a large transport industry resulting from its central location, between Melbourne and Adelaide.
  4. On 9 December 1954, Mount Gambier was officially declared a city, and is now an important tourism centre in south-east South Australia.
  5. Mount Gambier is the major service centre for the tourism region known as The Limestone Coast.
  6. The town has warm dry summers and cool wet winters. July is the wettest month.
  7. The region surrounding the city also includes other volcanic features such as Mount Schank, along with many karst features such as water-filled caves and sinkholes
  8. Tourism is one of the biggest industries in Mount Gambier. It contributes around $100 million for the economy.


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