Hervey Bay Population 2025 ❤️

Hervey Bay population

Hervey Bay is a Queensland city located on the north of Brisbane. With a population over 59,000, the city is the 10th-most-populous place in Queensland by population. The local economy replies on tourism. It is famous for whale watching because Hervey Bay is the resting place for humpback whales.

Based on our research, Hervey Bay population will reach 60,831 by the end of June 2025. We use end of June each year due to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) always follow Australian financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.42% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Hervey Bay

Looking back last 13 years of Hervey Bay’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 0.10% to 2.03%, adding around 52 to 1040 people each year to the overall population. The reasons contribute to the population growth is that tourism is consistently strong over the years. Tourism creates a lot of job opportunities in Hervey Bay. The growth is pretty much align with the national population growth.

Year Population Growth rate
2011 49,948 n/a
2012 50,000 0.10%
2013 50,783 1.57%
2014 51,248 0.92%
2015 52,288 2.03%
2016 53,328 1.99%
2017 54,100 1.45%
2018 54,726 1.16%
2019 55,446 1.32%
2020 56,292 1.34%
2021 57,233 1.67%
2022 58,130 1.57%
2023 59,074 1.62%
2024 59,980 1.53%


Demographics of Hervey Bay

According to census, 49.3 percent of people living in Hervey Bay are male, while 52.5% are female. Average age in Hervey Bay is 48. The top countries of birth are: Australia (66.7%), England (3.9%), New Zealand (2.2%), Germany (0.4%), Scotland (0.5%) and Philippine (0.1%). The other top languages spoken are: German, Mandarin, French, Dutch and Italian.
The religious groups Hervey Bay consist of: 29.6% No religion, 13.3% Anglican, 22.6% Catholic, 3.7% Uniting Church and 9.6% note stated.


Population Density of Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay population density is 561 people per square kilometer.

Occupations and Industries

According to census, the main occupations of people living in Hervey Bay are 17.5% Professionals, 14.9% Technicians & trades workers, 14.0% Community & personal service workers, 12.7% Clerical & administrative workers, 11.9% Sales workers, 11.6% Labourers, 9.9% Managers, 5.8% Machinery operators & drivers.
The main industries people from Hervey Bay work in are 17.6% Health care and social assistance, 13.5% Retail trade, 9.7% Accommodation and food services, 9.6% Education and training, 9.5% Construction, 5.4% Public administration and safety, 5.0% Manufacturing, 4.4% Other services, 3.9% Professional, scientific and technical services.


Facts About Hervey Bay

  1. The city has a wonderful subtropical climate. Temperatures range from 14 to 23 degrees Centigrade in winter and 22 to 29 degrees Centigrade in summer.
  2. Hervey Bay is the largest population centre within the Fraser Coast Region.
  3. In Hervey Bay, 60.9% of people had both parents born in Australia and 20.1% of people had both parents born overseas.
  4. In 2008, Hervey Bay was the fastest growing statistical division in the country.
  5. Hervey Bay is 113 km (70 mi) from Bundaberg.
  6. The first recorded European sighting of Hervey Bay was made by James on 22 May 1770.


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