Population of Australia 2025

Australia Population 2025

Australia has population of over 26 million which is ranking 52nd in the world. However Australia is Word’s 6th largest country with size of 7,686,850 kilometer. Over 85% of Australians lived in urban areas and nearly 70% lived in our capital cities, making Australia one of the world’s most urbanised countries

Based on our research Australia population will reach 28.060 million by the end of 2025. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.64% over last 13 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table below) will make the estimation more accurate.

Population Growth of Australia

The following table shows Australia is enjoying healthy and consistent population growth over last 13 years range from 1.49% to 1.96% adding 349,254 to 479,718 people to the overall population. The reasons behind the growth are:  growth of birth rate, longer life expectancy and growth of immigrants.

Australia’s population growth rate has eased back to a rate last seen almost 11 years prior, as indicated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). All states and territories recorded positive population growth in the year ended 31 March 2016. Victoria recorded the highest growth rate of all states and territories at 1.9%. The Northern Territory recorded the lowest growth rate at 0.4%.

Year Population Growth Rate
2011 22,352,617 n/a
2012 22,726,873 1.67%
2013 23,090,920 1.60%
2014 23,446,409 1.54%
2015 23,795,663 1.49%
2016 24,168,303 1.57%
2017 24,530,282 1.50%
2018 25,010,000 1.96%
2019 25,415,000 1.62%
2020 25,870,000 1.79%
2021 26,280,000 1.58%
2022 26,712,800 1.65%
2023 27,150,920 1.64%
2024 27,608,209 1.68%


At the moment, every 1 minute and 44 seconds, one new baby born, every 3 minutes and 24 seconds one person dies, every 2 minutes and 39 seconds, a new immigrants come to Australia. It is expected the population of Australia will reach 25 million by 2018. That means every 2 -3 years, a million people will be added to the population. If Australia continues with the current average population growth rate (1.5%), by 2050, Australia population will reach 40 million and by 2100 it will reach 53 million, which means Australia population will double in 2100. Melbourne will become the most populated city in Australia.

Population Density of Australia

Australia’s population density is 3.14 people per square kilometer. The top six largest countries are:  Russia, Canada, America, China, Brazil and Australia. As you can see from the table, even Australia is the 6th largest countries but her density is the smallest among other largest countries in the world. It is interesting to see China’s population density is almost 5 times of Australia. In fact, Australia is the 3rd least densely populated country in the world, after Namibia and Mongolia.

Country Size (km2) Density
Russia 17,075,200 8.56
Canada 9,984,670 3.61
America 9,826,630 32.87
China 9,596,960 143.30
Brazil 8,511,965 24.53
Australia 7,686,850 3.14

Demography of Australia

In the 2011 Australian statistics, the most commonly assigned ancestry was English of around 36.1%, trailed by Australian of 35.4%, Irish comprising 10.4%, Scottish of 8.9%, Italian of 4.6%, German 4.5%, Chinese consisting 4.3%, Indian 2.0%, Greek 1.9%, Dutch of 1.7% and the aboriginal 2.7%.

According to 2011 census, Australia is a religiously diverse country but no official religion. Christianity is the predominant faith of Australia. 63.9% of the population is Christian while 6.5 % has other religions: Buddhism (2.5% of the population), Islam (2.2%), Hinduism (1.3%) and Judaism (0.5%).

English is the official language of Australia and is spoken by the vast majority of the population. The most commonly spoken languages other than English are Italian, Greek, German, Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipino, Chinese varieties, Indian languages, Arabic and Macedonian, as well as numerous Australian Aboriginal languages.

Another interesting fact is average Australian male height is estimated to be 182 cm while average Australian female height is estimated to be 165 cm

Australia’s population today is much older and has a more balanced sex structure. The median age in 2011 was 37 years, and 14% of the population was aged 65 and over. The sex ratio is: for every 100 females there were 99 males. Over last decades life expectancy in Australia has steadily increased. These increases are due to declining death rates at all ages reflecting improving living conditions. In 2011, females’ life expectancy is 84.3 years and for male it is 79.9 years. After 2012, average Australian life expectance is greater than 82 years. Australian life expectancy is ranking amongst the highest in the world.

Internet Population

There are 20.66 million internet users in Australia in 2016. That is more than 85% of the Australia population. 87% of Australians access the internet daily. Daily Internet usage varies from 73% in Tasmania to 93% in the NT. We are surprised to see NT is on top of the list. Maybe due to the fact NT is a less busy state and people have more time for internet.  Only a slight difference exists between metropolitan and non-metropolitan residents. According to sensis, Facebook continues to dominate as the most used social network site. Where they socially network at home in the following order: Lounge/living room, bedroom, study, Kitchen, toilet, bathroom.  You can see people are quite addictive to social network site when they go to toilet and bathroom.

Most Populated States in Australia

The top five most populated states in Australia are as follows:

New South Wales – New South Wales also known as NSW has the largest population in Australia. The state’s capital city is Sydney. Sydney is Australia’s most populated city with an estimated population of over 4.4 million people. NSW is located in south-eastern Australia. It has a total area of 800,642 km2 and covers 10.4 percent of Australia. New South Wales’ coastline is only 2137 km long… Read more about New South Wales population 2025.

Victoria – Based on our research Victoria population will reach 6.38 million by the end of June 2019. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau of Statistics always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 1.81% over last 8 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate…Read more about Victoria population 2025.

Queensland – Looking back last eight years of Queensland’s population, the growth rate is very consistent ranging from 0.64% to 2.85%, adding around 30,000 to 130,000 people each year to the overall population. The reason behind the population growth is fertility rate and interstate migration. Overseas migration also plays a big part in Queensland’s population growth. Of all the states, Queensland’s population growth is above national average… Read more about Queensland population 2025.

Western Australia – Western Australia also known as WA is Australia’s largest state. The state’s capital city is Perth. Perth has an estimated population of over 1.7 million people. Western Australia’s density is 0.89 people per kilometer, which is ranking 2nd least populated state in Australia after Northern Territory. WA is one of the least densely populated states in the world… Read more about Western Australia population 2025.

South Australia – South Australia has population of over 1.7 million, which accounts for 7.14% of Australia population. According to Australia census, 49.3 percent of the South Australian population is male and 50.7 percent are female. Based on our research South Australia population will reach 1.731 million by the June 2019. South Australia’s density is 1.62 people per kilometer, which is ranking 6th most populated state in Australia… Read more about South Australia population 2025.

Most Populated State Capital Cities in Australia

The top give most populated state capital cities in Australia are as follows:

Melbourne – Melbourne is the capital city of Victoria with a population of over 4.5 million which accounts for 19.05% of national population. It ranks second most populated state in Australia after Sydney. Melbourne is Victoria’s business, administrative, cultural and recreational hub of the state. On an average day around 854,000 people use the city, and each year Melbourne hosts over a million international visitors… Read more about Melbourne population 2025.

Sydney – Based on our research Sydney population will reach 5.73 million by June of 2019. We use end of June each year due to Australia Bureau Statistics ABS always follow Australia financial year when pushed the data. The calculation is based on the average growth rate of 4.53% over last 8 years since 2011. We believe using the recent years’ figures (see the table in next section) will make the estimation more accurate.… Read more about Sydney Population 2025.

Brisbane – Looking back last six years of Brisbane’s population, the growth rate is very consistent and strong ranging from 1.32% to 6%, adding around 30,000 to 140,000 people each year to the overall population. The reasons contribute to the population growth is fertility rate and interstate migration. Overseas migration also plays a big part in Brisbane’s population growth. Brisbane’s sunshine and other livable conditions also bring people from oversea and interstate… Read more about Brisbane Population 2025.

Perth – Perth is Western Australia’s state capital city. Perth has an estimated population of over 2.04 million people, which account for 8.58% of the national population. Perth is Australia 4th largest city in population size. Perth is part of the South West Land Division of Western Australia, with the majority of the metropolitan area of Perth located on the Swan Coastal Plain… Read more about Perth Population 2025.

Adelaide – Adelaide recorded a very high population growth thanks to immigration policies which encourage people come to Adelaide. Mining industry also plays an important part in the population growth. Of the Local Government Areas within the Greater Adelaide Planning Region, Onkaparinga had the highest population, followed by Salisbury and Port Adelaide Enfield. Mount Gambier, Whyalla and Port Pirie had the highest populations of the Regional Local Government Areas… Read more about Adelaide Population 2025.

Facts about Australia

  1. Australian invents the notepad, aspirin, the pacemaker, the Hills Hoist clothesline, the dual-flush toilet and long-wearing contact lenses.
  2. A census taken in 1828 found that half the population of NSW were Convicts, and that former Convicts made up nearly half of the free population.
  3. There are over 300 mines in Australia, mining coal, zinc, silver, gold and more.
  4. Around 80 per cent of southern Australian marine species occur nowhere else in the world.
  5. Australia is an island continent which is completely surrounded by ocean.
  6. Post World War II – From 1945 through 1996, nearly 5.5 million immigrants settled in Australia.
  7. Australia has 19 listed World Heritage properties, including world renowned Sydney Opera House.
  8. Australia is the smallest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent in the world. It is the only country which is also a whole continent.
  9. Average salary in Australia is around $90,000 per year.